Goodbye from Ada van Krimpen

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Here it is, my last column before my retirement on 1 July. The last couple of weeks have been filled with goodbye moments and many pleasant surprises.

On 16 May, when most of the ISI Executive Committee members met in person at the ISI Permanent Office in The Hague, President Steve Penneck said many kind words in appreciation of my service for the ISI. I received a nice card full of compliments from the EC members and a beautiful crystal vase with an inscription.

On 12 June I organized a lunch for the ISI colleagues and my family at a traditional Italian restaurant. We had a wonderful time together and I was given a very special gift: a glossy magazine entitled ‘Ada’ including many wonderful memories and nice stories from colleagues, photos of precious moments and recipes of delicious food. I am sharing some photos of our joyful gathering.

At the start of June Statistics Netherlands (CBS) also invited me for a podcast dedicated to my 16 years of service at the CBS and the subsequent 13 years at the ISI. The former CBS colleagues organized a farewell reception for me and on top of this all, I was invited to contribute an article to the ISLP newsletter on ‘Statistics in my life’ (forthcoming).

If all goes as planned, I will join the ISI family in Ottawa at the next year’s WSC – a nice chance to say goodbye to many of my ISI friends.

For now, there’re still plenty of things to finish off before my retirement, including a visit to Ottawa next week in preparation for the WSC. The handover to my successor Conchita Kleijweg is going smoothly and I am confident she will be an excellent Director for the ISI.

People ask me what I will miss most about the ISI. Of course I will miss my colleagues from the PO, the ISI President Steve Penneck and the Executive Committee, the colleagues from the ISI Associations and many other people I’ve worked with. My special thanks goes to Steve Penneck for our excellent cooperation.

What I will also miss are my bike rides to the office, albeit on an e-bike and only when it isn’t raining :).  The route I cycle is so varied, it is 12 km long, with practically no traffic lights.  Let me give you an impression of what I see on my way to the office.

Beautiful natural surroundings. It is not a big area, but we are happy with this green corridor in a mostly urban area.
One of the many greenhouses in the area.
Bicycle tunnel with beautiful street art.
Previously a windmill, now a water pumping station.

Now it is time to say goodbye, but not farewell. I wish ISI and the entire ISI family a glorious future.

Ada van Krimpen


4 comments on this post

  1. Dear Ada,
    Thank you for all you gave to the ISI community, especially for your warm approach!
    Hope to meet you at future ISI events, and hope to hear from you soon, since propose to cooperate further! We all may learn a lot from your experience!
    With my best wishes!
    Ksenija Dumicic from Croatia

  2. Greetings from Ukraine. It has been a great pleasure for me to work with you during all these years of your work at ISI. You are a true professional. Stay healthy. And see you in Ottawa.
    Sincerely, Ruslan Motoryn

  3. Dear Ada,
    thank you!
    You are a great friend, with a wonderful personality!
    You can always welcome our Indian devoted colleagues – ISI members.
    It is very nice to see your pictures with colleagues and friends!

    Best regards,
    sincerely yours Jitendra Kumar Sinha

  4. Dear Ada, thank you !
    You are the great friend, with wondefrul personality !
    You can always welcome to your Russian devoted colleaques – ISI members.
    It is very nice to see your pictures !
    I hope to meet you in WSC , it is my dream !

    Best regards,
    sincerely yours Irina Eliseeva, Saint Petersburg

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